Working Fast Food…D:

What’s up everyone…I’m baaaack (Well, I’ve been always here, I just am too lazy to post sometimes haha)

So, I guess I’ll give a quick update on what has been happening with my, lovely life… I was being sarcastic..ha. First off, 3 or so weeks ago I have applied to a bunch of retail/fast food places, because I have been so determined to get a job. Staying at home is great, but for more than you have to, it really gets you. This may be random, but has anyone played the Sims before? In the 3rd game, there was a Sim characteristic trait where a Sim can’t stay at home for too long, otherwise it will get super crazy! Well….I have that trait. I tend to go nuts if I stay at home for more than 2 days straight, like i have to get the hell out!! it drives me up the wall D:

OK, sorry where was I? Oh yeah, so I was so desperate in getting out and needing a job, I sent it out to a few places. Well a week later, I got a call from an unexpected place, it was a pizza place. NOw, the reason why I said it was unexpected was that, the person didn’t ask for my resume and he said he wasn’t hiring either. I was very surprised that he called me! So I went along with it, and everything seemed the be pretty straight forward. Mind you, I was still so scared because of my SA, but more or less, I really wanted to keep going.

My manager told me that my shifts were Friday to Sunday AT NIGHT. OH..MY GOODNESS. At night!? Not only that, the busiest days of the week?! Holy crap, I don’t think I could go with it! I was literally petrified; my training days were done during the day, where there were light rushes and not that many people. But at friggin night-time? I was so worried and scared. SO I tried out the first night, and it was a disaster! I handled the cash and took people’s orders etc, but there was just so many people! It was so scary >.< Pretty much, at its peak of the dinner rush, people were lined up in the store, a lot of them were waiting for their pizzas to be made and it was so hectic.

Lots of them came to me and complained about how long they’ve waited, and I kept apologizing and they rolled their eyes at me and crossed their arms. They were pissed, and I was so embarrassed and I didn’t know what to do…

So after that night, I came to the conclusion that this was not right for me. My previous part time work was at a food place as well, and I guess, fast food is not right for me. I just can’t take all that pressure and stress, it was way too much. So…I quit the next day. >___< I told my manager, and he was supportive of me. I’m so thankful. He told me that, “Its alright, I’m not going to force you to do something if you don’t want to.” And so he gave me the money that I’ve earned and wished me well. He was a good guy, I Just wished I didn’t have to work at night. 😦 And its not like i can negotiate a better shift for me, because he said he wanted people for that particular night. Sighs. Well, now I’m unemployed again.

Got to admit, it feel damn good again to relax, and not worry so much about work. I’ve done that way too much the pass week. But at the same time, the fact that I quit and now I’m unemployed, makes me feel like…I don’t know…a loser? |A quitter? A weak person… >.< My mom told me that fast food isn’t for everyone and told me that its OK to leave, but I Just can’t help but think that other people will look at me as a weak person….sighs.

Anyways, that’s my quick update, I actually have to go and work out now, and right after leave to go to Walmart haha I hope things will get better…I really, really hope it does.